Chris Gillies Bands


| System | Irish Band | Sunshine | Sunshine 2 | Cheetah 1 | Cheetah 2 | Page 2 |

CHRIS GILLIES ... Potted musical history
Where it all started; this picture of "The System" playing at a childrens party, Christmas 1963, appeared in the Herts Advertiser. LES ROBERTS – vocals / CHRIS GILLIES – bass / JOHN BARTLETT – guitar / TREVOR SPARKS – drums.

During the sixties, I worked with RONNIE & RAY SMITH "THE LEASIDERS". Lots of dodgy cars, but apparently no cameras! I also worked a lot with an Irish band (see picture above). Can’t remember the names – but they were bloody good beer drinkers!

In 1972, I bought my first Stratocaster and joined "SUNSHINE". There was CHRIS WILLIAMS (Rear left) on rhythm guitar, CHRIS 'GINGER' CHILDS (rear right) on bass guitar, me (front left) on lead guitar, RONNIE SMITH (front right) on drums. It was a smashing group, and we were renowned for our four part harmonies .... and not getting on Opportunity Knocks.

CHRIS GILLIES (Rear left) lead guitar, CHRIS 'GINGER' CHILDS (rear right) bass guitar, RONNIE SMITH (front left) drums, CHRIS WILLIAMS  (front right) rhythm guitar

Ronnie left in 1980, to team up with BRIAN SUGG (still gigging locally), so we roped in DANNY BACON (far left) on drums .. At this time, we changed the name of the band to " THE CHEETAHS".

Danny stayed a couple of years, then we recruited RONNIE BROWN on drums, and TONY WILLIAMS (Chris’ brother) on keyboards.

In 1987, I decided to ‘retire’, as I was now 40 years old…..fat chance! I’d never been so busy, working in duos (SANDLEWOOD, DON’T THINK TWICE) , trios (GOOD COMPANY – from Bedford – not very good, but I’ve never laughed so much in my life!), dance bands, jazz bands, theatre work, operatta (honest!).

After a few years traipsing round and depping, I was looking for another band, so I joined 20th CENTURY CROX.
Rear: VIC CROSS on bass, MIKE O’NEILL on keyboards, RICHARD WALSH on drums, Front: CHRIS GILLIES on guitar, and RUSS BARTLETT guitar.


| System | Irish Band | Sunshine | Sunshine 2 | Cheetah 1 | Cheetah 2 | Page 2 |

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