The Plough & Harrow

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This page was last updated on 29/08/2012

88 Southdown Road, Harpenden,
Hertfordshire AL5 1PR
01582 715844

Live Music Every Saturday 9-11 p.m. What's On.

Come to the Plough & Harrow and enjoy a drink and the live entertainment. Pictured on Sat 18 Oct 03 (on the left) are Andrew and Jo.

Regular entertainers at The Plough & Harrow John Verity Band

Someone Else's Problem

Former Plough And Harrow D.J. Tricky Nicky.

Carlsberg Lager, Spitfire, Guinness, Bitter.

Grant and his staff are waiting to give you a warm welcome.



The Plough & Harrow have live music every Saturday evening 9-11pm

To see who's performing this Saturday click here


The Coda site has been set up to promote live music in Mid-Herts. We host this web page for the Plough and Harrow, but we DO NOT represent NOR are we responsible for this venue. While every care is taken to make sure that the information on this page is accurate, Coda cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.


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